Why AI reminds me of cloud computing

Even if you stipulated that cloud computing was going to be a big deal, the early cloud narrative got a lot of things wrong. 

To name just a few which I'll deal with in a subsequent post: Cloud wasn't a utility, security really wasn't the key differentiator versus on-premise, and cost savings weren't a slam dunk. Much deeper discussion for another day. Cloud computing was an important movement but the details of that movement were often unclear and a lot of people got a lot of those details wrong.

I posit that the same is the case with AI.

I'm pretty sure that, as someone who was in the industry through the second AI winter, I'd be foolish (probably) to paint AI as yet another passing fad. But I'm also pretty sure that any picture I paint of the five to ten year-out future is going to miss some important details.

Certainly, there's a lot of understandable enthusiasm (and some fear) around large language models (LLMs)). My take is that it's hard to dispute that there is some there there. Talking to ex-IBM exec Irving Wladawsky-Berger at the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium in 2023  we jumped straight to AI. To Irving, “There’s no question in my mind that what’s happening with AI now is the most exciting/transformative tech since the internet. But it takes a lot of additional investment, applications, and lots and lots of [other] stuff.” (Irving also led IBM’s internet strategy prior to Linux.) I agree.

But. And here's where the comparison to cloud comes in; the details of that evolution seem a bit fuzzy.

AI has a long history. The origin of the field is often dated to a 1956 summer symposium at Dartmouth College although antecedents go back to at least Alan Turing. 

It's been a bumpy ride. There have probably been at least two distinct AI winters as large investments in various technologies didn't produce commensurate value. The details are also a topic for another day. Where do we stand now?

AI today

The current phase of AI derives, to a large degree, from deep learning which, in turn, is largely based on deep neural networks (NNs) of increasing size (measured in # weights/parameters) trained on increasingly large datasets. There are ongoing efforts to downsize models because of the cost and energy consumption associated with training models but, suffice it to say, it's a resource-intensive process. 

Much of this ultimately derives from work done by Geoffrey Hinton in the 1980s on back propagation and NNs in the 1980s but it became much more interesting once plentiful storage, GPUS, and other specialized and fast computing components became available. Remember a 1980s computer was typically chugging along at a few MHz and disk drives were sized in the MBs.

The latest enthusiasm around deep learning in generative AI, of which large language models (LLM) are the most visible subcategory. One of the innovations here is that they can answer questions and solve problems in a way that doesn't require human-supervised labeling of all the data fed into the model training. A side effect of this is that the answers are sometimes nonsense. But many find LLMs an effective tool that's continually getting better.

Let's take AI as a starting point just as we could take cloud of 20 years ago as a starting point. What are some lessons we can apply?

Thoughts and Questions about AIs Evolution

I've been talking about some of these ideas for a while—before there were mutterings of another AI winter. For the record, I don't think that's going to happen, at least not at the scale prior winters. However, I do think we can safely say that things will veer off in directions we don't expect and most people aren't predicting.

One thing I have some confidence in reflects a line from Russell and Norvig's AI textbook, which predates LLMs but I think still applies. “We can report steady progress. All the way to the top of the tree,” they wrote. 

The context of this quote is that the remarkable advance of AI over maybe the last 15 years has been largely the result of neural networks and hardware that's sufficiently powerful to train and run models that are large enough to be useful. That's Russell and Norvig's tree.

However, AI is a broader field especially when you consider that it is closely related to and, arguably, intertwined with Cognitive Science. This latter field got its start at a different event a few months after the Dartmouth College AI conference, which is often taken the mark the birth of AI—though the "Cognitive Science" moniker came later. Cognitive Science concerns itself with matters like how people think, how children learn, linguistics, reasoning, and so forth. 

What’s the computational basis for learning concepts, judging similarity, inferring causal connections, forming perceptual representations, learning word meanings and syntactic principles in natural language, and developing physical world intuitions? 

In other words, questions that are largely divorced from commercial AI today for the simple reason that studies of these fields have historically struggled to make clear progress and certainly to produce commercially interesting results. But many of us strongly suspect that they ultimately will have to become part of the AI story.

There are also questions related to LLMs. 

How genuinely useful will they be—and in what domains—given that they can output nonsense (hallucinations)? Related are a variety of bias and explainability questions. I observe that the reaction to LLMs on tech forums differ considerably with some claiming huge productivity improvements and others mostly giving a shrug. Personally, my observation with writing text is that they do a decent job of spitting out largely boilerplate introductory text and definitions of terms and thereby can save some time. But they're not useful today for more creative content.

Of course, what LLMs can do effectively has implications for the labor market as a paper by MIT economist David Autor and co-authors Levy and Murnane argues.

Autor’s basic argument is as follows. Expertise is what makes labor valuable in a market economy. That expertise must have market value and be scarce but non-expert work, in general, pays poorly.

With that context, Autor classifies three eras of demand for expertise. The industrial revolution first displaced artisanal expertise with mass production. But as the industry advanced it demanded mass expertise. Then the computer revolution started, really going back to the Jacquard loom. The computer is a symbolic processor and it carries out tasks efficiently—but only those that can be codified. 

Which brings us to the AI revolution. Artificially intelligent computers can do things we can’t codify. And they know more than they can tell us. Autor asks ”Will AI complement or commodify expertise? The promise is enabling less expert workers to do more expert tasks”—though Autor has also argued that policy plays an important role. As he told NPR: “[We need] the right policies to prepare and assist Americans to succeed in this new AI economy, we could make a wider array of workers much better at a whole range of jobs, lowering barriers to entry and creating new opportunities.” 

The final wild card that could have significant implications for LLMs (and generative AI more broadly) revolves around various legal questions. The most central one is whether LLMs are violating copyright by training on public but copyrighted content like web pages and books. (This is still an issue with open source software which generally still requires attribution in some form. There are a variety of other open source-related concerns as well such as whether the training data is open.) 

Court decisions that limit the access of LLMs to copyrighted material would have significant implications. IP lawyers I know are skeptical that things would go this way but lawsuits have been filed and some people feel strongly that most LLMs are effectively stealing.

We Will Be Surprised

When I gave a presentation at the Linux Foundation Member Summit in 2023 in which I tried to answer what the next decade will bring for computing, AI was on the technologies list of course and I talked about some of the things I've discussed in this post. But the big takeaway I tried to leave attendees with was that the details are hard to predict.

After all, LLMs weren't part of the AI conversation until a couple years ago; ChatGPT's first public release was just in 2022. Many were confident that their pre-teens wouldn't need to learn to drive even if some skeptics like MIT's John Leonard were saying they didn't expect autonomous driving to come in his lifetime. Certainly, there's progress—probably most notably by Waymo's taxi service in a few locations. But it's hard to see the autonomous equivalent of Uber/Lyft's ubiquity anytime soon. Much less assistive driving systems that are a trim option when you buy a car. (Tesla's full self-driving doesn't really count. You still need to pay attention and be ready to take over.)


  1. Good stuff Gordon! I've been in AI for over 35 years and couldn't agree more with your warning about the uncertainty of AI's future.
    Some companies rush to "bring AI to their tech" but that's naive to me: there are many tiny details about a successful AI application. As often, the devil is in the details.

    1. Thanks. I got some negative comments to the effect that you should "expect the unexpected" is, well, duh.That's certainly part of it but my at least attempted point was that people will probably look back in ten years and be "Well, we really got that completely wrong" which to me as a past and current industry analyst is at least a subtly different thing.

  2. Apart from the saying that is hard to make predictions, especially about the future, there is one direction that I can see . There was a YC discussion that claimed vertical AI is the place where AI will shine, much like the process that caused vertical SaaS apps to become the norm. It makes sense, because that's how companies can build into AI systems expertise at certain labor fields. Today companies can develop, say, a legal ai system in a way similar to like training a new employee at a law firm. and this way is less codified and more generalizable



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